Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Deciding on a course of action

We covered two of the four basic steps of the mind introduced in a previous post.

  • Read the surroundings the body is in
  • Pick a best possible rule to apply for the situation
  • Decide on a course of action
  • Physically direct the body

Having chosen a best rule to apply in the given situation, the person now has to choose between different courses of action each with it's own probability of a favorable outcome.

The action with the lowest odds for a favorable outcome provides the greatest opportunity for growth. There are no guarantee of a favorable outcome even when the chosen action has the greatest odds for favourable outcome.

Deciding on a course of action is a personal choice and is usually a reflection of a persons personality. A wrong choice of action is the one that provides no opportunity for growth or a favorable outcome for the person.

Wisdom helps in balancing growth and favorable outcome. Wisdom does not guarantee a favorable outcome all our lives but improves our chances tremendously.

To decide a course of action a person needs knowledge of the situation, possible outcomes of various actions, a understanding of the various causal relationships involved. Common sense can comes in handy in new situations. Knowledge makes this step a lot easier.

Once a course of action is decided, implementing that action has it's own challenges. The next post will discuss the last step taken by the mind before it starts with step one again.